How to Prepare for Hurricane Season in Puerto Vallarta

May 24 2024

Canoa Bienes Raíces is a real state company based in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco. The content of this blog is for informational purposes only. We do not take responability for the accuracy, veracity, or updating the information presented, nor are we directly associated with the events, products, or services metioned in the articles.
Artículo Huracanes

Hurricane season in Puerto Vallarta, which runs from June to November, can bring heavy rains, strong winds, and adverse weather conditions. Proper preparation is essential to ensure the safety of your home and family. Here is a comprehensive guide to help you be ready for any eventuality.

Understanding Hurricane Season

The hurricane season in the Eastern Pacific, which includes Puerto Vallarta, typically lasts from early June to late November, with peak activity between August and October.

Hurricanes can cause flooding, landslides, power outages, and property damage. It´s crucial to be aware of weather alerts and recommendations from local authorities.

Artículo Huracanes

Home Preparation

Check the condition of your home, paying special attention to the roof, windows, and doors. Ensure there are no leaks and that the structures are secure.

Install storm shutters or use plywood boards to cover your windows and protect them from debris carried by the wind.

Make sure there are no loose objects in the yard, such as patio furniture, pots, or decorations, that could become projectiles during the storm.

Clean gutters and drains to prevent them from getting clogged and causing flooding.

Emergency Kit

Prepare and emergency kit with enough supplies for at least three days. Inlcude  drinking water (one gallon per person per day), non-perishable food, medications, flashlights, extra batteries, a first aid kit, and personal hygiene products.

Keep your important documents, such as identifications, insurance policies, property titles, and medical records, in a waterproof container.

Inlcude weather-appropriate clothing, blankets, and sleeping bags in your kit.

Artículo Huracanes

Communication and Evacuation Plan

  • Family Plan: Ensure that all members of your family know what to do and where to go in case of an evacuation. Designate a meeting point and an out-of-danger area contact.
  • battery Charging: Keep your mobile phones and electronic devices charged. Consider having a portable charger on hand.
  • Information Sources: Listen to the radio or television for updates on the hurricane and follow instructions from local authorities. Weather apps can also be useful for receiving real-time alerts.

Local Resources and Support

  • Evacuation Centers: Find out about the location of the nearest evacuation centers and the services they offer.
  • Community Assistance: Puerto Vallarta has various community organizations and groups that offer support during emergencies. Connect with them for assistance and updates.
Artículo Huracanes

During the Hurricane

Stay home, if no evacuation order is issued. Stay away from windows and glass doors. Use an interior room without windows as a shelter.

If the power goes out, use flashlights instead of candles to avoid fire hazards.

if flooding is expected, shut off water and gas valves to prevent further damage.

After the Hurricane

Once the hurricane has passed, assess the damage to your property safely. Take photographs for insurance purposes and make necessary repairs.

Stay away from flooded areas and dangerous debris. Follow local authorities' instructions on when it's safe to venture outside.

Contact your insurance company to report damages and seek assistance. Local and government organizations may offer additional help for recovery efforts.


Properly preparing for hurricane season in Puerto Vallarta is crucial to protect your family and home. By following these tips and staying informed, you can minimize risks and be ready to face any storm.

Artículo Huracanes

Contact Information

Av. Fluvial Vallarta 223-A, Colonia Fluvial Vallarta, Puerto Vallarta, Jal. México. 48310